Cancelling your booking

Cancelling your booking

Things often don't go to plan and should you need to cancel your booking here's what you may be entitled to depending on your situation and the location of the accommodation you booked.

I want to cancel my booking

Check your cancellation policy. If you booked through a partner website or a travel agent (Airbnb,, travel agent etc), please contact them to change or cancel your booking, or to request a refund.

Please note any eligible refunds:

  • may be subject to a refund administration fee
  • will be processed to the original form of payment
  • will be notified to you by email once processed

My booking starts today

If you cancel your booking before the official check-in time (4:00 PM) and before your arrival, you are entitled to claim a refund of the cleaning fees.

Cancellation by Coucou&Co

In the exceptional situation where we have to cancel your booking, you will receive a communication from us or our partner, which will detail the reasons and the relocation/refunds options.

Types of refunds

  • Voucher refund
  • Cash or fees refund